What Is Permission Based Email Marketing?

You want to learn more about email marketing. Well, let me tell you about one kind that will really rock your socks. It’s called permission based email marketing. Yes, you heard me right, permission based email marketing. It’s when you send emails to people who actually want to get them. Isn’t that amazing? Email marketing is great when your other marketing is not good.

For example, if you have a store and no one comes in, your in-store marketing is useless. But if you send them a permission markeing email, they might see it and buy something from you online.

Another good thing about email marketing is that it’s free. Sending a lot of mail can cost a lot of money, but not email. And email is fast, so you can get a quick response from your customers. If they read your email and like what they see, they can click a link and buy something right away. They won’t close their email and go to your store, especially if your store is far away from them. Email marketing also helps you reach more people if you know how to use Email Marketing. With email marketing, you don’t have to worry about where your customers are.

Why Permission Based Email Marketing?

There is one thing you have to be careful about with email marketing, you have to use permission based email marketing. This means you have to ask people if they want to get your emails. Why? Because of spammers.

Spammers are people who send emails that no one wants. They are very annoying and make people angry. Sometimes, people might think your emails are spam and delete them. That’s bad for you because you need people to see your emails and buy your stuff. But if you use permission based email marketing, you don’t have to worry about that because people will agree to get your permission marketing email.


So, how do you use permission based email marketing the right way? Make the messages and send them to your customers automatically. Get their name and email by giving them something for free. Use tracking codes to see how well your email marketing is working. Keep your emails friendly, so people will want to read them more than if they were boring or rude.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Is email marketing an example of permission marketing?

Yes, Subcription emails are a good example of permission marketing in email marketing.

Do I need permission to send marketing emails?

No, you do not need permission to send marketing emails, but you should always obtain consent to send emails messages.

What is an example of permission marketing brand?

A great example of permission marketing based brand is Starbucks.

Is it legal to send marketing emails in India?

No, there is no specific law in India to prohibit sending emails and email marketing.

Why is permission marketing better?

Permission marketing is better becuase it allows the customers to choose whether they want to receive the promotional messages and emails or not.

How many types of permission marketing are there?

In short, there are two types of permission marketing – Expressed permission marketing and Implied persmission marketing.

How many marketing emails can I send per day?

Google Workspace / Gmail, Microsoft 365 / Office 365 / Outlook, and Zoho usually limit users to 300 – 500 emails per day but you should stick closer to up to 200 emails to avoid bans and spam detections.

Is permission marketing still relevant?

It is the core concept of internet marketing and arguably the most important factor in todays era of digital marketing.

Does Starbucks use email marketing?

Yes, Starbucks and many major food chain brands use Email Marketing.

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